cookery club

The school provides a range of activities for the children to access such as sports, games, arts /crafts and music and these take place after school until either 4.30pm or 4.45pm.

All after school clubs are subject to a small fee to help with running costs and usually run for a the half-term or the full-term. Wherever possible, we try to offer a mix of clubs to appeal to all pupils and all ages and we consult with the Student Council and Sports Voice for ideas for future clubs.

Please note that your child cannot attend the club unless payment has been made on ParentPay securing your place.  Bookings are made on a first come first served basis.  Once a club is full, it will no longer show on ParentPay. If your child misses out on a club when the spaces have been filled, please email the admin office and your child will be put on the waiting list for the club the following half-term and they will then be offered the club first next time.   Please note the differing pick up times on the clubs.