Gardening with Mrs Hall The children had a green-fingered session with Mrs Hall, potting on some plug plants to grow in our Community Garden. The learning ...
Leaf Pressing As part of our Forest Schools adventures, the children collected leaves to press into clay to make paper-weights.
Savoury Scones for tea at Cookery Club On the menu this week in Mrs Smith's cookery lessons were savoury scones! Low in sugar and salt... Next week's menu is ...
Elite Sport Workshop We invited Elite Sport to deliver workshops across Class 2 and 3 on rugby skills, as part of our commitment to offering ...
Pro Cyclist Joe Nally visits our school On Tuesday 21st January, the children at Chapel Haddlesey Primary School had a visit from Pro Cyclist Joe Nally. Joe, who is ...
Art Club fun with Mrs Morton The children are enjoying their after-school club with Mrs Morton. Here are some photos from this week.
Clay pot modelling in Class 1 The children turned their hand to pottery recently when making and shaping clay pots to take home.
British Transport Police Visit Two police officers from the British Transport Police visited school to talk about safety on roads and around railway lines. The children ...
Harvest at Chapel Haddlesey Rev Anna joined with our pupils, parents and community to celebrate harvest this year. Donations were received from parents to go to ...
Indoor Athletics Event at Holy Family School On Monday 5th November, Year 5 and 6 pupils from across the Federation entered the Sports Cluster Indoor Athletics competition. All the ...
Book Fayre visits Chapel Haddlesey Our Book Fayre visited recently, giving our learners and their families an opportunity to view a range of new books to buy ...
Workshop on School Rules In September, Class 3 spent a session discussing why we have rules in school, and in a wider sense, in society. They ...
Year 5 & 6 visit Ledsham Woods Our Year 5 & 6 pupils travelled to Ledsham Woods as part of their Forest Schools activities. They enjoyed a woodland session ...
Learning to tie knots Year 5 & 6 enjoyed a challenging afternoon, learning various knots and how to tie them!
Specsavers in Selby donate hi-viz jackets Thanks to Miss Lamb, one of our teaching assistants, for contacting Specsavers in Selby. They have offered to donate 50 hi-viz jackets ...
Upper KS2 Federation Christmas Party Our Year 6 girls at Burton Salmon issued an invitation to their peers at Barlow and Chapel Haddlesey for a joint Year ...
Expressive Art Class 3 enjoyed a session on expressive art this week. Pupils could use different art media to express their feelings, adding layers ...
Outdoor Ted Visit Our Year 3 & 4 children enjoyed an Outdoor Activity Day with the Outdoor Ted programme at Barlow Skylark Centre. The children ...
Emergency First Aiders training in school All the children in Reception to Year 6 had the opportunity to learn some emergency first aid skills this week when a ...
Tesco 'Bags of Help' £1000 grant for our Community Garden Chapel Haddlesey Primary School is delighted to announce it has bagged £1000 from Tesco’s Bags of Help community grant scheme. Bags of ...
Times Tables Rock Stars Launch Day The pupils across the federation of Barlow and Chapel Haddlesey Primary Schools launched their new times tables learning like true rock stars ...
National Science Week In March, both Barlow and Chapel Haddlesey schools held a Science Focus Week and the pupils across KS2 took part in a ...
Class 1 try to top the i-Tunes chart! Our beautiful singers in Class 1 can often be heard singing along with Mr Marshall and Miss Ducat to a range of ...
Online Safety Focus Week Every year, both schools in our federation hold an Online Safety deeper learning week to focus on the importance of being safe ...
Father Christmas pays a visit to Chapel Haddlesey School The children were really excited to welcome Santa before Christmas. Thanks to CHAPS for paying for a gift for each child and ...
Drug Education Workshop for Year 5 & 6 On Wednesday, 27th November John Day from the charity ‘Drug-ed4children’ will be presenting a lesson to our Year 5 and 6 children ...
Christmas Jumper Day Our children looked really festive on our Christmas Jumper Day in December. Children were invited to come into school dressed in a ...
Islam Day In October 2019, Yazi, a practising Muslim, visited each of the schools within the federation and spent a full day sharing with ...