In 2011, the government defined British Values as democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs. We promote these values through our own school values, curriculum and enrichment activities. Within our federation, we meet these values through our collective worship, strong school ethos, activities beyond the classroom and our social, moral, spiritual and cultural curriculum.
- Agreed school rules in September.
- EYFS teaching which involves self-selection within free flow to encourage greater independence and self-selection of resources, not just in EYFS but across all key stages.
- School Council, Sports Council, Peer Mediators and Collective Worship Monitors elected by peers.
- Children’s opinions are sought – pupil interviews, lesson studies and questionnaires.
- Children take responsibility.
- Reflection Area and Worry Box – to voice any concerns in any aspect of school life.
- Friday celebration worship, children nominate peers who they believe deserve whole school recognition.
- Children are involved in the staff recruitment process.
- Children choose curriculum pathways, often using Big Questions to drive the direction of learning.
- Speaking and listening – children are encouraged to listen to the views of others and to think carefully, giving their opinions; they take responsibility for their school and maintain its order. This includes cloakrooms, classroom organisations and lunchtime jobs.
The Rule of Law
- School rules are consistently reinforced throughout the school day.
- Children understand the need for rules, e.g. to keep us safe, through our collective worship, PSHCE, RE and JIGSAW sessions.
- Children understand the consequences of breaking rules as supported in our behaviour policy. Team points are in place to reward those who follow them. The winning team gets extra curriculum enrichment time at the end of each half term.
- Reward certificates are used each week to showcase children who have adhered to the school rules and values, impacting upon their learning.
- The school adopts a policy of positive behaviour and identify children who follow the rules.
- We have links with the local Police Community Support Officer.
- The curriculum supports anti-bullying and online safety.
- Wherever possible, links are made to the laws of the land.
Individual Liberty
- We provide a safe, inclusive and supportive environment where all children are encouraged to make choices, express and justify their opinions.
- We teach using Global Neighbours as a scaffold, broadening pupil views of worldwide opportunities and choices they have.
- We allow opportunity for choice of challenge in learning, tailoring support to meet needs.
- Children lead worship, sharing thoughts and opinions on topics of importance to them.
- We welcome visitors and look after new arrivals to our school.
- We have a variety of extra-curricular activities ranging from Arts, Sport and Cooking, providing a wide choice.
- Children are offered opportunities to participate in the community, e.g. sporting events and parish events.
- Children take on extra responsibilities, e.g. School Council, Playground Leaders, Debating Team leaders and Junior Road Safety Officers.
- As a Church School, we promote Christian values, e.g. trust, friendship, forgiveness.
- We encourage participation at charitable events e.g. Children in Need, Comic Relief, MacMillan, NSPCC, Shoe Box Appeal, Cancer Research and understand the impact of what we do.
Mutual Respect
- The school vision statement is ‘One family, branching out together’. This ethos permeates throughout the school.
- All members of the school community treat each other with respect. We work together and we make an effort to understand and listen to one another.
- The importance of respect is promoted through JIGSAW topics, class rules/school rules, collective worship , Picture News, and circle times.
- Christian values are at the heart of our curriculum but we also develop an understanding of other world religions, respecting similarities and differences. The School Council have recently updated our playground code with the thought of others in mind. The new system includes playground rules, buddy benches and zones.
- We teach using the Global Neighbours framework to develop the knowledge, understanding and respect for other cultures.
- We promote participation in sport and encourage competition but within the context of fair play and an inclusive ethos.
Tolerance of different faiths and beliefs
- Our displays include people and words from other cultures.
- We help new children to settle within our school through systems such as a child buddy system, asking children to share aspects of their life.
- Our local vicar and 'Open the Book' team come into school regularly and we liaise with the Church for key Christian celebrations.
- In RE we teach all the main world religions and their key celebrations throughout the year.
- We have recently linked up with another Federated school which has a diverse population, and the school council looks forward to meeting their school council and working together on a project.
- We explore different cultures and beliefs through our Global Neighbours teaching framework.
- We give children opportunities to experience diversity through religious education, collective worship, PHSE using JIGSAW.
- We invite members of different faiths to visit our school to share the beliefs and values of their faith.