We, the Governing Body and Headteacher, and all staff, strongly believe that our schools should be a welcoming and safe place for our children, staff, parents and visitors alike and that our parents share that belief. We have legal responsibilities for the safeguarding and wellbeing of children and staff, and a duty of care to all users of our school.
All adults who enter our school sites at any time set examples of behaviour and conduct which influence children and young people. We believe that they should therefore demonstrate high standards of conduct in order to encourage our pupils to do the same. Parents and carers must show respect to all other parents and carers, children and staff.
Adults who do not behave in an acceptable manner may be asked to leave the site(s) and the Headteacher has the right to further restrict their access.
The school reserves the right to take any necessary action to ensure that members of the school community are not subjected to abuse.
This policy details examples of behaviour which is regarded as unacceptable.