
This is a pupil leadership role created for children to represent our school because they are an outstanding member of our school, excellent role models for others to follow and are approachable, friendly people. Their attitude and behaviour through their time at school has been exemplary. Children in this role have been nominated by staff and children in school.

The children will be assigned an ‘Ambassador’ hoodie in school to promote and highlight their outstanding role, which they can wear on the days they are on duty. The children will be given training by Sam Maud, about the nature of this role, which has been set up to ensure our school community lives and breathes our school vision. The role also involves children being a friend to other children in the playground and someone to talk to, should their peers need it. The training will develop the children’s understanding of equality and diversity, and provides them with strategies to deal with situations. The children will be on a rota system so they have chance to lead and enjoy their own play. They have the opportunity to continue this role for the whole academic year.